I am hoping to launch the HostUTrust webiste this week. Seeing as I already have quite a few customers, I suppose I had better get the site up and running so they can contact me and make things official.
Tonight I have to complete the User Agreements, SPAM Policies, Acceptable Use and Privacy Policy. Really interesting stuff… Not…
Tomorrows task will be to integrate the automated payment collection system. This will let you pay via credit card or Paypal.
Then the scripts that let you search for domain name availability have to be transferred to the main server. This is probably where I find out that my testing server has a different configuration than that on my webserver.
And then I get an email earlier on tonight from a company wanting an updated quotation before tomorrow. So I guess tonight is going to be a late one.
(If I didn’t take a break to write something on here, I’d being going mad, if you wondered why I have time to sit here and blog complete rubbish).