Below is an excellent article introducing the concept of using passphrases over passwords.
Its something that I have been doing for a while now, and something I shall comment on a lot more in the future.
I am all for maintaining privacy and I personally believe that it is the individuals responsibility.
This feed I suppose is born out of my hatred for hackers and trojans (again… honestly, this won’t be the main theme on my blogs, it just happens to be the thing thats gotten my goat in the past few weeks).
My making access to our systems, whether personal or business, we can make it more difficult for those who feel the need to ‘hack’ into our lives. I just hope someone doesn’t take it on themselves to disprove the passphrase theories by attempting to hack my accounts now.
Why you shouldn’t be using passwords of any kind on your Windows networks . . .
Why you shouldn’t be using passwords of any kind on your Windows networks . . .
Another interesting source of info can be found here: Passphrase FAQs
You should be able to Google for tools to help maintain your passphrases and here is one that I am reviewing at the moment.
I am still sceptical about using a single application to store all my passphrases since that to me provides a single source to be hacked and gain access to everything. I’ll be posting back here and letting you know what I found out.
HOWTO4 : Utilites : Password Manager XP : reviews, free download, user guides…