Monday, December 04, 2006
A collection of online editing applications lets people do more than just watch and share video.
More people are turning to the Web to watch television shows and movies, thanks to sites like YouTube and Apple’s iTunes store. But there’s an emerging breed of website that’s letting people go beyond passively viewing video. A number of startups, including Jumpcut, Grouper, and Motionbox, are providing free software tools that let anyone mix video clips online and, in some cases, make movies even if they don’t have content of their own.
Quite a good article this on the YouTube phenomenon which mentions a couple of online tools that I wasn’t aware existed. I’ve got to be honest though, I am not one of those who spends hours upon hours watching videos on YouTube. I do have an account with a few videos, but only to see what all the fuss was about.
I will probably use YouTube in the future for posting my own ‘home videos’ to the net if only because it shifts the burden of bandwidth usage to YouTube away from my own servers. Why pay for anything when you can get it for free. So what if the viewer clicks on an advert and YouTube takes a fee, I’m not going to be posting anything that is going to make them millions.
This is an example of something that was done on Jumpcut