Here is a handly little add-on for the right click menu in IE.
It allows you to email a web page without that annoying .lnk extension appearing which in some email applications will get blocked as a security risk.
I’ve placed the zip file here.
Here is an excerpt from the read-me file:
Right-click context menu enhancement for Internet Explorer 4 and higher.
This add-on context menu item allows you to open a mail client window andadd the web page Title and URL to it.Handy if you want to refer someone to the page in an E-Mail or Newsgroup post.Requires Internet Explorer.
The .zip file should contain 3 files:
Readme.txt Mailto_URL.reg Mailto_URL.htm
To install, extract Mailto_URL.htm to C:\Windows\Web folder, then double-clickthe Mailto_URL.reg file to add the context menu key to the Registry.
If your copy of Windows is set up on a different drive or in a different folder, you’ll need to extract the .htm file to the corresponding Web folder and edit the .reg file in Notepad to point to the correct folder, before you double-click the .reg file.
To use, just right-click anywhere in a web page and select “E-mail page”.The url will be copied to the subject and the title plus url to the body of the newmessage
To uninstall, you need to manually edit the Registry, and delete the key:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\E-&mail Page
Copyright (c) CDOLive 2000-2001, Siegfried Weber. All rights reserved.
Based on an idea of Bill James –