Rather a hectic day today. Had to go see the specialist today which wasn’t ‘too’ bad. The best bit about it was taking a 1/2 day off work and getting to spend time with my wife who has been working the last 4 nights. Also got to pick up the kids from school for change.
My eldest (Cian) was playing in a 6-a-side soccer tournament at his school and we got there for the 2nd half of one of his matches. He lost 3 – 0, but he amazed me yet again. One of his mates crossed the ball in for a corner and Cian had a cracking header saved by the keeper. I couldn’t head the ball for toffee when I were his age. He ain’t no Wayne Rooney, but I still feel proud watching both of the boys playing. (Makes me ache watching them!!).
I’m going to check my hotmail account (shinerweb {at} hotmail dot com)and then off to bed. I have an early meeting tomorrow so I had best try and get some sleep.